Yesterday I took a relative of mine to the hospital for chemotherapy. While I was running around completing the admission formalities, I saw a sister in her spotlessly white apron coming out of the OT. She was carrying a new born baby close to her chest. She stood for a while and then started moving very carefully to the Private Ward. A group of 8-10 people who were waiting at the door, soon followed her. Bright eyes, lit faces with happiness overflowing. When the sister passed by me, I had a close look at the bundle of joy in her arms – a tiny face with tightly closed eyes blissfully sleeping in the warmth of a lovely blanket. Welcome baby.

After some time when I was passing by the Emergency Ward, a middle aged woman came out holding a child close to her chest. On seeing her, a group of 10 people waiting outside wailed together. A young couple in the group collapsed. Women howled and men had uncontrolled tears rolling down. The woman- possibly the grandmother stood speechless, expressionless, holding the weight of endless love in the body of a one year old child wrapped carefully from head to toe in a lovely blanket. Adieu baby.